form family

[网络] 形成家庭



  1. Whether blood related or not, people tend to gravitate to others, and eventually form a family unit.
  2. Parents and children form a family.
  3. In this form of family, as paternity is uncertain, only the female line counts.
  4. It is also possible to remove a divorces husband form a family portrait.
  5. Some argue that single-parent families are a deficient form of family functioning.
  6. The form of family corresponding to civilization and coming to definite supremacy with it is monogamy, the domination of the man over the woman, and the single family as the economic unit of society.
  7. Group marriage, the form of family in which whole groups of men and whole groups of women mutually possess one another, and which leaves little room for jealousy.
  8. Diazo compounds diazo compounds form a family of manmade chemicals all of which contain two linked mitrogen atoms commonly used for light sensitive coating in photographic or platemaking materials.
  9. The remainder, some 41% of earnings, are made by firms under some form of family or founder control.
  10. I know that it will be difficult to form a family, but I know that I will be a good mother.
  11. Hence the perfect type of this form of family is the Roman.
  12. Did you understand the love form your family?
  13. Such a form of family shows the transition of the pairing family to monogamy.
  14. Because of the influence of traditional culture and historical and reality reasons, nongovernmental businesses exist mainly in the form of family governance structure.
  15. Maltreating wives as a major form of family violence, which damages seriously women's health, infringes women's lawful rights and destroys social stability and development, has caused widely social concerns.
  16. Transcultural Comparative Research to Form of Family Education about the Han Nationality and the Daur Nationality
  17. Then it is shown that the disjunctive normal form family { On} is a hard example for the bifurcation method. This shows that algorithms based on the bifurcation method are all characterized by time complexity in the exponential form.
  18. A comparative research to the form of family educational idea about the Dai's mother in Xishuangbanna
  19. They are all well-doers, but they meet with conflicts and disasters of love after they form a family.
  20. A family expenses Intelligent supervisor system based on Bluetooth technology is introduced. It is combine Bluetooth with the PSTN and Internet to form the family expenses intelligent supervisor system.
  21. This paper presents an empirical study on the relationship between general trust in entrepreneur and organizational form ( family or non-family business) in Irish and Chinese SMSEs.
  22. The first is land reform, the second is agricultural reform mainly in the form of family contracting responsibility system with remuneration linked to output.
  23. Transferrins form a family of proteins that are involved in regulating the levels of free iron in body fluids of animals. One principal member of this family is lactoferrin ( LF).
  24. Third, the article Introduces the new problems of the different form family after losing the place to care for the aged analyzes these questions roots;
  25. Theory group should strengthen study in family investment behavior on China's higher education, in order to form effective family investment attitude and reasonable quality of the Investment Attitude.
  26. The majority private-run corporate of China is operating in the form of family business.
  27. From the current form of family business organizations, most have taken corporate form.
  28. According to the family resemblance theory, the senses of a polysemous word form a family resemblance category, in which other senses can extend from the basic or the core sense and they have close relationships with each other.
  29. Home network is a new network form in family region, connecting computer, household appliances, automation equipment, security system, illumination system access to Internet. It becomes the latest hot point and development direction in network market.
  30. Nanjing, as the provincial capital city of Jiangsu Province, with the implementation of Cross-River development and the new city construction strategic direction of Jiangbei, has a large number of floating population influx in Jiangbei district. They present the form of family inflow.